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hong kong kick boxing
hong kong kick boxing
hong kong kick boxing

Founder of TKBC (Tai-Kick Boxing Club)

2008-2010 joined different kind of tournaments

( Boxing and Sanda ) champion in weight in 52KG.

2008 Joined the tournament organized by Police Boxing Club - 52kg Championship.

2009 Joined the Sanda tournament organized by Hong Kong Sanda association - 52kg Championship.

2010 Joined the Sanda tournament organized by Hong Kong Wushu Union - 52kg Championship.

2011 Coached 4 Boxer of TKBC joining Sanda tournament organized by Hong Kong Wushu Union -

4 Fights 4 Wins.

TKBC (Tai-Kick Boxing Club) 創辦人。

2008-2010 年香港52公斤級拳擊及散手冠軍, 期後



2008 年參加由警察拳擊會舉辦之拳擊比賽獲



2009 年參加由香港散打協會舉辦之散打比賽獲


2010 年參加由香港武術聯會舉辦之散打比賽獲


2011 年訓練本會之但拳手出賽參加由武術聯會

所舉辦之散打比賽,4 戰 4 勝。

hong kong kick boxing
hong kong kick boxing
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