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For years, Guru Evan has trained under various Southeast Asian martial arts masters, some of whom have become his close friends. Through these relationships, they have exchanged martial arts philosophies and teaching insights. Over time, Guru Evan has blended his personal style with these influences, developing his own structured system—Evantai S.A.C System International (ESSI). By taking a unique conceptual approach, he has broken away from traditional teaching methods to create something entirely his own.


As a result, many of the movements and techniques in the ESSI system are not found in the classes of the masters he trained under. While some core principles remain similar, the style and teaching methodology are distinctly different.


ESSI classes primarily focus on Indonesian Pencak Silat and Filipino Martial Arts (FMA), incorporating both empty-hand techniques and weapons training. Students practice with a wide range of weapons, including single stick, double stick, short blades, karambit, sarong, tomahawk, espada y daga, sword, staff, and spear.


In the Pencak Silat discipline, traditional forms have been integrated while pushing beyond conventional limits—transforming combat techniques into structured sequences. Guru Evan firmly believes that if the masters of the past could create new techniques, then modern practitioners should have the same ability to innovate.


Guided by the principle, “Preserve tradition without being confined by it, innovate without losing its essence,” the ESSI system continues to evolve and be passed down to future generations.


Today, Guru Evan has shared his martial arts knowledge across multiple countries, including Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, South Korea, Japan, Australia, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands.


At ESSI, we strongly advocate a non-violent philosophy. Through weapons training, students not only develop self-defense and personal protection skills but also improve their physical fitness and overall well-being.

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  • 擊其形

  • Destroy The Form

  • 控其勢

  • Control The Movement

  • 破其法

  • Break The Skill

  • 誘其心

  • Tempt The Heart 

  • 迷其智

  • Confuse The Mind

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