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Evantai S.A.C System International
E-mail : evantai.sac.system@gmail.com

History of Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) – Kali, Arnis, and Eskrima
Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) is an umbrella term that encompasses the traditional combat systems of the Philippines, primarily known as Kali, Arnis, and Eskrima. These arts emphasize weapons-based combat, particularly using sticks, blades, and improvised weapons, along with empty-hand techniques such as striking, grappling, and joint locks. FMA is widely recognized for its efficiency in close-quarters combat and adaptability in real-life self-defense situations.
Origins and Early Development
The origins of FMA trace back over a thousand years, influenced by the tribal warfare, hunting techniques, and survival skills of indigenous Filipinos. Early warriors, known as Mandirigma, trained with a variety of weapons, including the bolo (machete), kris (wavy-edged dagger), kampilan (long sword), and sibat (spear). These fighting methods were refined over centuries through tribal conflicts, trade exchanges, and exposure to foreign martial traditions.
The arrival of Indian, Chinese, and later Arab traders introduced new weapon designs and combat strategies to the region. As a result, FMA evolved into a diverse and practical system that incorporated elements of empty-hand combat, weapon disarming, and counterattacks.
Spanish Influence and the Birth of Arnis and Eskrima (16th–19th Century)
In 1521, the first recorded use of FMA in battle occurred when Datu Lapu-Lapu and his warriors defeated Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan in the Battle of Mactan. This event demonstrated the effectiveness of native Filipino combat skills against European invaders.
During the Spanish colonization (1565–1898), indigenous martial arts were suppressed, and the use of bladed weapons was restricted. To preserve their fighting techniques, Filipinos adapted by practicing with rattan sticks instead of swords, disguising their training as cultural dances. This period led to the refinement of Eskrima and Arnis, with influences from Spanish fencing (Esgrima), which introduced concepts such as angles of attack, footwork, and counter-striking.
American Period and the Rise of Sport Arnis (20th Century)
During the American occupation (1898–1946), Filipino martial arts continued to evolve. The introduction of boxing and wrestling influenced the development of empty-hand techniques, while FMA remained a crucial skill in local self-defense and military training.
In the mid-20th century, Grandmasters (GMs) of various Eskrima and Arnis styles began openly teaching their arts. FMA gained popularity as a competitive sport, with the introduction of protective gear and standardized rules for tournaments. Organizations such as Modern Arnis, founded by Remy Presas, helped promote FMA internationally.
FMA in Modern Warfare and Global Recognition
Filipino warriors played a significant role in World War II, where their expertise in blade combat and guerrilla warfare was used against Japanese forces. Many of these battlefield techniques were later integrated into military and law enforcement training worldwide.
FMA Today
Today, FMA is highly regarded in military and tactical training programs, including those of the U.S. Army, Navy SEALs, and law enforcement agencies. Its emphasis on weapon adaptability, real-world effectiveness, and flow-based movement makes it a preferred system for self-defense professionals.
Kali, Arnis, and Eskrima – What’s the Difference?
The terms Kali, Arnis, and Eskrima all refer to Filipino Martial Arts (FMA), a comprehensive combat system that includes weapons training, empty-hand techniques, and close-quarters combat. While these names are often used interchangeably, their origins and usage vary based on geographical regions and historical influences.
1. Kali
• Considered by some as the oldest and most traditional term for Filipino martial arts.
• The word “Kali” is believed to have originated from ancient Filipino terms like “Kalis” (blade or sword) or “Tjakalele”, an Indonesian/Malay word for combat.
• More commonly used in Western countries and international FMA communities.
• Encompasses both weapon-based and empty-hand techniques, including striking, grappling, and trapping.
2. Arnis
• The name Arnis is primarily used in Luzon, the largest island in the Philippines.
• Derived from the Spanish word “Arnés”, meaning armor or protective gear.
• Emphasizes sports-oriented training, as Arnis is recognized as the national martial art and sport of the Philippines.
• Often associated with modernized training systems, focusing on stick fighting, drills, and tournament formats.
3. Eskrima
• Popular in the Visayas and Mindanao regions, especially in Cebu, where many legendary Filipino fighters came from.
• Comes from the Spanish word “Esgrima”, meaning fencing or swordplay.
• Focuses heavily on practical self-defense, combat applications, and traditional warfare strategies.
• Known for its fluid weapon transitions, live sparring, and full-contact training.
菲律賓武術(FMA)歷史 – Kali、Arnis 和 Eskrima
菲律賓武術(Filipino Martial Arts,FMA) 是菲律賓傳統戰鬥系統的統稱,主要包括 Kali(卡里)、Arnis(阿尼斯)和 Eskrima(埃斯克里瑪)。這些武術強調 武器作戰技巧,特別是 棍術、刀術及各類即興武器的運用,同時也包含 徒手攻防、關節鎖控、擒拿與摔技。FMA 以其 高效近身格鬥技術 和 在實戰自衛中的靈活應用 而聞名於世。
FMA 的歷史可追溯至 千年以上,源於菲律賓原住民部落的 狩獵、生存與戰爭技術。早期的戰士(Mandirigma)接受各種武器的訓練,如 Bolo(菲律賓弯刀)、Kris(波刃匕首)、Kampilan(長劍)和 Sibat(長矛)。這些戰技在部落戰爭中逐步演化,並受到外來文化的影響,如 印度、中國及阿拉伯貿易商 帶來的兵器和戰術。
隨著菲律賓群島間的交流增加,FMA 融合了 徒手搏擊、武器拆解與反擊技術,發展成為一種靈活且實用的戰鬥系統。
西班牙殖民影響與 Arnis、Eskrima 的誕生(16–19 世紀)
1521 年,菲律賓戰士 Lapu-Lapu 在 馬克坦戰役(Battle of Mactan) 擊敗葡萄牙探險家 斐迪南·麥哲倫(Ferdinand Magellan),這是歷史上最早記錄的 FMA 實戰案例,顯示了菲律賓原住民武術的高效性。
隨著 西班牙於 1565 年殖民菲律賓,傳統武術受到嚴格管制,尤其是 刀劍類武器 的使用遭到禁止。為了保留武術技藝,當地武術家開始使用 藤棍(Rattan Stick) 代替利刃進行訓練,並將戰鬥技巧隱藏在 傳統舞蹈與儀式 之中,以躲避西班牙當局的監視。這一時期,FMA 吸收了 西班牙劍術(Esgrima) 的影響,引入 攻擊角度(Angles of Attack)、步法(Footwork)及反擊概念(Counters),形成了今日的 Eskrima 和 Arnis。
美國殖民時期與 Arnis 運動化(20 世紀)
1898 年美西戰爭後,美國接管菲律賓,FMA 進一步發展,並與 西方拳擊和摔跤 技術融合,增強了 徒手攻防與擒拿技巧。
到了 20 世紀中葉,許多武術大師開始將 FMA 系統化,並推廣至世界各地。菲律賓政府將 Arnis 和 Eskrima 視為 國家文化遺產,並將其納入 體育比賽,促使 FMA 由 傳統武術轉向競技運動。著名的 Modern Arnis(現代阿尼斯) 由 Remy Presas 創立, 進一步推動了 FMA 在國際間的普及。
FMA 在軍事與國際上的影響
菲律賓戰士在 第二次世界大戰 期間,利用 FMA 技術進行 游擊戰,對抗日軍侵略。戰後,這些技術被納入菲律賓 軍隊與警察 訓練,並進一步傳播到 美軍特種部隊(如海軍海豹突擊隊 Navy SEALs) 和 國際執法機構。
如今,FMA 已成為世界各地軍事、執法和個人防衛訓練的一部分,因其強調 武器適應性(Weapon Adaptability)、實戰應用(Real-World Effectiveness)、流暢連貫的攻防(Flow-Based Movement) 而備受推崇。
Kali、Arnis 和 Eskrima 的區別
雖然 Kali、Arnis 和 Eskrima 指的是相同的菲律賓武術系統,但根據 地區與文化,這些術語有所不同:
• Kali – 一般認為是最古老的稱呼,涵蓋 刀、棍、徒手技術,在國際間較常使用。
• Arnis – 主要使用於 呂宋地區(Luzon),源自 西班牙語 Arnes(鎧甲),強調 競技與體育化。
• Eskrima – 多見於 宿霧(Cebu)和米沙鄢群島(Visayas),名稱來自 西班牙語 Esgrima(劍術),強調 實戰與武器技術。
無論名稱如何,FMA 的核心精神始終圍繞 武器與徒手技術的靈活轉換、戰術應用與實戰效能,並持續影響著現代格鬥與軍事戰技的發展。
如今,FMA 不僅是 菲律賓的文化瑰寶,更是一種經過數百年戰爭考驗的 高效戰鬥系統,在世界各地的武術界持續發光發熱。